Da qualche istante, Apple ha reso disponibile agli sviluppatori il download di iOS 13.4 Beta 4.

iOS 13.4 Beta 4

iOS 13.4 Beta 4: tante novità interessanti

Ecco le novità inserite nel changelog della nuova versione beta:


The iOS & iPadOS 13.4 SDK provides support to develop apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS & iPadOS 13.4. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 11.4, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 11.4, see Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 Release Notes.


Known Issues

  • To install iOS 13.4 beta 4 using the Restore Image, first install Xcode 11.4 beta 2.


New Features

  • QuickType Keyboard now supports predictive input for Arabic.
  • QuickType Keyboard now supports Live Conversion for Japanese and Chinese (Zhuyin).
  • QuickType Keyboard now supports Swiss German layout for 12.9-inch iPad layout.

Resolved Issues

  • 12.9-inch iPad layouts for several languages now match the hardware keyboard layouts.

Location Services

New Features

  • When an app requests Always authorization for the first time after having previously been authorized for While Using the App, the device immediately presents the location authorization prompt. (57106235)


New Features

  • New keyboard shortcuts are available in Photos on iPadOS, which create quick navigation between tabs, search, and create albums. While in full screen mode, you can also delete, duplicate, and enter Edit mode using a keyboard. (57195967)


Known Issues

  • After updating to iOS & iPadOS 13.4, you won’t be able to synchronize scenes with peers using earlier versions of RealityKit due to a fundamental change in the physics system. If two peers running a MultipeerConnectivityService have incompatible versions, they will remain connected in the underlying MCSession but won’t synchronize scenes. iOS & iPadOS 13.4 adds a new NetworkCompatibilityToken class so a host can avoid inviting incompatible clients to its MCSession. Please see the NetworkCompatibilityToken documentation for additional details. (59262764)


New Features

  • When using a NavigationView with multiple columns, the navigation bar now shows a control to toggle the columns. (49074511)
  • The onDrag and onDrop modifiers are now available on iOS. (49661347)

In conclusione, ecco un video dove sono mostrati le principali funzionalità interessanti di iOS 13.4 Beta 4 rispetto alla precedente versione beta:

Se volete installare gratuitamente l’aggiornamento sul dispositivo sfruttando il canale di distribuzione della beta pubblica, potete far riferimento a questa guida, scritta di proposito.

[AGGIORNAMENTO] Apple ha appena rilasciato lo stesso aggiornamento, sotto forma di beta pubblica, anche a tutti gli utenti iscritti al programma per il testing della suddetta versione beta, in uscita prossimamente per tutti gli utenti.
